
Web Page Design


Database Management

Personal Computer Solutions

Desktop Publishing

Education and Training


Champ Consulting Services

Web Page Design

Champ Consulting Services can help you establish a presence on the internet by designing a Web Page to meet your business, personal and available resources needs. Your home page can be as simple as a one page description with a single color scan (picture or business card) and email link, or as complex as a fully integrated and interactive site with on-line databases and dynamically updated pages. We are interested in working with you on a continuing basis and can develop a plan to build your site in stages to meet your needs.

Contact us to discuss your requirements. If you already have internet access you could have your own web page open to the public in less than 48 hours for under $200.00

Some examples of our work:

Please visit our Web Resources Page

Catch'em, if you can!

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